Jan 23, 2025  
Jarvis Christian University 
Jarvis Christian University

General Education Core Curriculum Requirements

Jarvis Christian University will substitute completed core curriculum coursework of at least 42 hours from another Texas public institution of higher education. Out-of-state and private institutions of higher education will have core courses evaluated on a course-by-course basis. The University requires 3 semester hours of religion which transferring students must satisfy in order to graduate.

The general education core curriculum listed below indicates the minimum number of credit hours in general education courses that must be included in any undergraduate curriculum.

Total Hours: 48

*All science courses require a laboratory component. Any two of the following courses with associated laboratories may be used to satisfy the Science requirements: BIOL 1306 - General Biology I  and BIOL 1106 - General Biology I Lab , BIOL 1307 - General Biology II  and BIOL 1107 - General Biology II Lab ; CHEM 1311 - General College Chemistry I  and CHEM 1111 - General College Chemistry I Lab , CHEM 1312 - General College Chemistry II  and CHEM 1112 - General College Chemistry II Laboratory ; ENVR 1301 - Introduction to Environmental Science I  and ENVR 1101 - Introduction to Environmental Science I Lab , ENVR 1302 - Introduction to Environmental Science II  and ENVR 1102 - Introduction to Environmental Science II Lab ; PHYS 1315 - Physical Science  and PHYS 1115 - Physical Science Lab ; PHYS 1301 - General Physics I  and PHYS 1100 - General Physics I Lab  or PHYS 1302 - General Physics II  and PHYS 1102 - General Physics II Lab .

**A partial list of courses that would fulfill the foreign language, literature, philosophy and humanities requirement would include ENGL 2321 - British Literature Survey , ENGL 2323 - Introduction to Creative Writing , ENGL 2326 - American Literature Survey , ENGL 2345 - African American Literature, ENGL 3303 - Masterpieces in World Literature , SPAN 1311 - Elementary Spanish I , and SPAN 1312 - Elementary Spanish II  


An orientation program is held prior to the beginning of classes in the fall and spring to acquaint incoming freshmen and transfer students with the College. All freshmen and transfer students are required to participate in the orientation activities.


Chapel is regularly scheduled each Tuesday at 11:00 A.M. Chapel is an integral part of student life and is required for graduation, and all students must attend every semester with the exception of those students in the Adult Education Program. Faculty, staff, and administrators are expected to participate as well.

Kinesiology Alternatives

Students whose health will not permit them to meet this requirement should present a statement from a licensed physician to the Office of Academic Affairs verifying that they are not to participate in physical activities of a strenuous nature.

Students are to consult with members of the faculty in Kinesiology to select alternative coursework.

On successful completion of two or more years in the military as shown on the DD214 or a certified statement showing same, an individual may have two (2) credit hours for kinesiology waived. However, the minimum required hours for graduation must be met.

Course Load Limitation

The maximum course load of a student who is placed in preparatory courses is 13 semester hours. The maximum load for students not in preparatory classes or on academic probation is 19 hours. Twenty or more hours constitutes an overload and must be approved by the student’s Advisor, Division Chair, and the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Typically, a student must be classified as a Senior to receive a course overload.