Feb 13, 2025  
Jarvis Christian University 
Jarvis Christian University

Financial Aid Information

Jarvis Christian University administers a comprehensive program of scholarships, grants, work programs, loans, and financial aids. This includes the Jarvis Christian University scholarship and award program, as well as state and Federal assistance programs. The Financial Aid Office maintains an internet web page that contains additional information such as forms, web links, and other relevant material. A link to the web page can be found at www.jarvis.edu.

What Is Financial Aid?

The primary responsibility for paying college expenses lies with the student and parents. Financial aid programs are available to assist students who do not have the financial resources to meet the full cost of attendance. All students are encouraged to apply for financial aid.

Financial aid can be received in the form of grants, scholarships, work-study and/or loans. Grants are considered gift aid that is not required to be repaid. Eligibility for all grant aid is based on demonstrated financial need. Scholarships come from both internal and external sources. Eligibility for scholarships varies, but most are awarded on the basis of academic merit and/or financial need. Work-study programs provide jobs for students with financial need.

The amount of aid a student is eligible to receive is generally based on financial need. The unmet financial need is determined by subtracting the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) from the Cost of Attendance (COA). The EFC, or the amount the family is expected to contribute toward their son/daughter’s education expenses is computed from a federal formula using information contained on the student’s FAFSA. The first step in applying for all financial aid begins with the submission of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA must be filed electronically at www.studentaid.gov. All students must apply or submit a renewal financial aid application on an annual basis.

Eligibility for Financial Aid

Financial assistance is granted for one academic year. Renewal of financial assistance for another year is based on demonstrated academic achievement and continued financial need. Applicants must complete the financial aid application process annually.

To be eligible to receive Title IV financial aid from Jarvis Christian University, a student must:

  1. Be a U. S. citizen or eligible non-citizen.
  2. Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in an eligible program at an institution of higher education that is an eligible institution.
  3. Have a high school diploma or a General Education Development (GED) certificate.
  4. Be enrolled at least half-time in an eligible program as a regular student seeking a degree.
  5. Have financial need as determined through an approved needs analysis system (FAFSA).
  6. Not be in DEFAULT on any Federal Loans. If the student has made satisfactory arrangements to repay loan funds and documentation can be provided, the student may be considered for Title IV funds.
  7. Register or have registered for Selective Service if a male between the ages of 18 and 25.
  8. Be making satisfactory academic progress as defined by the University.

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Federal and State regulations require all schools participating in federal and state aid programs to have a standard for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) to measure a student’s progress toward achieving a degree. The measurements shall be used to determine student eligibility for all need-based and Federal Title IV financial assistance, unless the terms or a particular grant or funding source state otherwise.

The Title IV 1992 Higher Education Amendments requires that institutions establish a minimum standard of “Satisfactory Academic Progress” for students. A minimum standard for “Satisfactory Academic Progress” is defined as follows:

“SAP” is a measure of whether a student is progressing adequately toward completion of his or her degree. It is determined in terms of grade point average and course completion. For a student to be eligible for Title IV aid during his/her attendance at Jarvis Christian University, the student must matriculate based on the establish policy.

Frequency of Monitoring and Evaluation

Jarvis Christian University will review a student’s progress at the end of each academic year. For this purpose, Jarvis Christian University academic year is defined as two semesters of 15 weeks of course work occurring between August 1st and May 31st.

Transfer students must meet the same SAP requirements and maximum enrollment limit as other students.

At the end of each academic year, The SAP Committee and the Financial Aid Office determines whether or not a student is making SAP towards his/her program of study and is thus eligible to continue to receive federal student financial aid during the next academic year. A student’s progress is measured both qualitatively and quantitatively according to the eligibility stated below.

The following are considered when evaluating a student’s satisfactory academic progress:

  • Grades of A, B, C, or D are considered attempted and earned hours.
  • Withdrawals (W), Administrative Withdrawals (AW), Incompletes (I), No Credit (NC), Work In Progress (WIP), and Withdraw while failing (WF) are grades considered attempted but not earned.
  • Audited courses are included in the attempted hours but not in the total hours earned.
  • Remedial courses are included in the calculation of both attempted and earned hours.
  • Transfer credits are included in the calculation of both attempted and earned hours but not in the cumulative GPA.
  • IF the removal of an incomplete grade (I) or Work In Progress (WIP) makes the student eligible, the student must make sure the Financial Aid Office is informed of the removal of the incomplete or pending grade.

SAP Requirements: Undergraduate

Jarvis Christian University will determine the eligibility of a student for financial assistance based on the following:

Cumulative Hours Attempted Minimum Hours (%) to Complete Minimum GPA
1-30 67% 1.50
31-60 67% 1.75
61 and above 67% 2.00


In calculating the student’s pace, all hours attempted, including courses from which the student withdrew, received a grade of no credit (NC), incomplete (I), and/or work in progress (WIP) are considered.

Credit Completion Rate

Each student is required to complete successfully 67% of all credit hours attempted, including transfer hours accepted. Attempted hours are credit hours that the student is enrolled in after the drop/add period and includes grades of A, AW, B, C, D, F, I, W, and WIP.

Maximum Time Frame

The maximum timeframe a student is eligible for financial aid is 150% of the published length of the educational program in which the student is currently enrolled. Most baccalaureate degrees at Jarvis Christian University require a minimum of 120 credit hours; and associate degrees require a minimum of 60 credit hours. Therefore, a student working towards a bachelor’s degree is eligible for financial aid up to 180 credit hours attempted. A student working towards an associate degree is eligible for financial aid up 90 credit hours attempted. All attempted hours are counted in determining the maximum hours’ limit, including transfer hours, whether or not financial aid was received or the course work was successfully completed.

To determine the maximum allowable hours for a specific major, refer to the University catalog, locate the total hours required for the degree, and multiply that number by 1.5.

The maximum timeframe is not increased for changes in major, double majors, or adding a minor in another subject area.


Financial Aid Suspension

Students who fail to meet the standards at the end of the academic year will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension and will become ineligible for financial aid beginning the next semester of attendance. Financial aid, once lost, cannot be reinstated retroactively for previous semesters. The student must pay expenses incurred while a student’s aid is suspended until the minimum SAP standards at met again. This policy applies to all students at Jarvis Christian University receiving financial aid.

Financial Aid Suspension does not prevent a student from enrollment but it does prevent them from receiving aid. However, the student should be aware that the University’s policies for academic eligibility and financial aid eligibility closely mirror one another. Both are measures of satisfactory academic progress intended to encourage behavior which leads to academic success.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Review

  • Satisfactory academic progress will be reviewed at the end of the spring semester for currently enrolled and re-admitted students.

Notification of Grade Change

If a student’s grade changes after grades were initially posted, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the Financial Aid Office of the change. If the student meets the standards of satisfactory academic progress after the grade change, financial aid will be reinstated.

Appeal Procedures

Students who fail to meet the SAP standard may appeal the suspension of their student financial aid funds. Letters of appeal must be based on some type of mitigating circumstances that impacted negatively upon the student’s ability to meet the required standards. Examples of such circumstances are; (1) death/prolonged illness of an immediate family member, (2) medical illness by the student that created undue hardship, (3) natural disasters or other acts of God beyond the control of the students (i.e. hurricanes, earthquakes, etc.) or other personal or family matters/situations which may have negatively impacted the student ability to meet the required standards.

  • Student must submit a typed letter of appeal to the Financial Aid Office,
    PO Box 1470, Hawkins, Texas 75765
  • The appeal letter must describe the student’s special or mitigating circumstance. It must include how the circumstance affected the academic performance: include dates and time-periods involved. An appeal should explain how the situation has changed and the steps being taken to resolve the circumstances.
  • Students must attach all necessary documents. Important documents such as police reports, death certificates, birth certificates, medical records, medical bills, court or police documents, letters from third party professionals on his/her letterhead and other documents should be attached which may help with the Committee’s decision.
  • Appeals will be reviewed by the SAP Committee and will issue a decision in writing to the student. If the appeal is approved, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Probation for one term and will be expected to successfully complete the appropriate number of credits for their level of enrollment and earn the appropriate GPA.
  • If the appeal is denied, the student will be responsible for their own educational costs and will remain on Financial Aid Suspension. Financial Aid will be suspended for the full academic year which includes, Fall, Spring, and Summer terms.
  • Notification of the decision will be sent to the student’s email account. All SAP Committee’s decisions are final. Explanation of justification for the decision is not provided to the student or parent(s).

Financial Aid Probation

If the student’s appeal is approved, the student can reestablish SAP in one semester. The student will be placed on SAP Probation (this type of probation is for financial aid purposes only and is separate from academic standing with the University). The probationary period shall commence for one term. (Example: if a student completes an appeal for the fall semester, at the end of the fall semester the student’s SAP will be evaluated to determine if he/she is meeting minimum SAP requirements or successfully completing an academic plan to receive aid for the upcoming spring semester.) The student’s progress will be evaluated again at the end of the spring semester to determine if he/she is meeting minimum SAP requirements. If not, the student shall be placed on financial aid suspension again.

Academic Plan

Students placed on Financial Aid Probation are given an academic plan to ensure that the student is able to meet satisfactory academic progress standards by a specific point in time. Academic plans vary in length and is determined by the Student Success Services. If the student does not maintain the academic plan stipulations, they will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension. The student must show academic progress.

Summer Course Work

Summer course work can be used to clear a student’s Financial Aid Suspension status. The student must notify the office that he or she has completed summer courses. The office will then re-evaluate the student’s suspension status and notify the student after review.

Reinstatement of Financial Aid

Students who demonstrate mitigating circumstances that interfered with academic performance will have financial aid eligibility until the next SAP review period. To maintain financial aid eligibility a student must meet the SAP policy or successfully follow an approved academic plan.

Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG)

Students receiving TEG are required to complete a minimum of 24 hours each academic year and maintain a cumulative GPA of at a 2.5. State of Texas funds and Satisfactory Academic Progress standards are established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board.

Financial Aid Application Procedure

All continuing and prospective students who wish to receive financial aid from any of the programs administered by the University must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), online at: www.studentaid.gov. To be considered for Title IV, State and Institutional aid programs available at Jarvis Christian University, students must:

  1. Complete the requirements for regular admission or re-admission (if a returning student)
  2. Complete the FAFSA electronically

Once this process has been completed, the student must:

  1. Submit verification documentation (if needed)
  2. Submit loan applications, if applicable
  3. Meet the priority deadline date in order to be considered in the first award cycle for an award year. Applications received by the first priority deadline date will be considered in the order of receipt and the availability of funds for which they are eligible.

Types of Assistance

The Office of Student Financial Aid at Jarvis Christian University provides financial assistance in the form of (1) Institutional Grants/Scholarships, (2) Federal and State Grants, (3) Federal Direct Loans, and (4) Federal and State College Work-study. A brief description of each program is listed below.


Institutional Scholarships

Jarvis Christian University provides institutional assistance in the form of grant-in-aid and scholarships. Students applying for institutional grant-in-aid and scholarships must comply with the policies and procedures governing the disposition of the funds. All grant-in-aid and scholarships at Jarvis Christian University are granted on the basis of need, character, and/or academic record. Scholarships are awarded on a yearly basis to those students who meet the established donor or University criteria. Scholarships are not officially awarded until the fall registration period.

No student may receive a Jarvis Christian University sponsored scholarship or award as a cash allotment unless specifically indicated by the scholarship/award donor. However, award revisions will be made when a combination of scholarship funds and Title IV funds exceed a student’s determined cost of education and/or remaining demonstrated unmet need.

In addition to the information needed above, students with “incompletes” pending from the previous semester of enrollment, incomplete financial aid files, poor citizenship, as determined by the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, and incomplete admission files are not considered for scholarships.

Academic Pathways Scholarship (APS)

As a monetary incentive to remain on track toward graduation, the institution offers a scholarship or rebate of $500 per semester to entering first-time freshmen and returning students who meet the following academic performance measures:

  • Enroll and pass fifteen credit hours each semester;
  • Remain continuously enrolled throughout the four years;
  • Remain in good academic standing each semester; and
  • Use the scholarship rebate as a reduction in tuition and fees.

The reduction of $500 per semester or $4,000 over the four-year period for students who comply with APS guidelines translates to a 8.5% reduction in tuition and fees. This will reduce the student’s overall indebtedness, completion time, and the total cost of education.

United Negro College Fund

Jarvis Christian University is one of 37 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) supported by the United Negro College Fund (UNCF). The UNCF usually awards scholarships based on financial need and academic merit. Visit their website at www.uncf.org for information on scholarship opportunities.


Federal Pell Grant

To receive a Federal Pell Grant, a student must be an undergraduate who does not already have a Bachelor’s degree. The application for a Federal Pell Grant is made through the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The student receives a Student Aid Report (SAR) advising the student of his/her eligibility or ineligibility. In some limited cases, however, a student may receive a Pell Grant if enrolled in a post-baccalaureate teacher certificate program. Amounts vary from $400 to $6,195 per academic year based on student eligibility according to the Estimated Family Contribution as determined upon completion of the FAFSA. The Department of Education provides funding for all students who meet eligibility requirements for the Federal Pell Grant.

Academic Scholarships Requirements

Freshmen Academic Scholarships


  • 3.0 = $4000
  • 3.2 = $6000
  • 3.5 = $8000

Transfer Academic Scholarship


  • 3.0 = $4000
  • 3.2 = $6000
  • 3.5 = $8000


Students who attend the Early Start Summer Program  (ESSP) without the necessary GPA can earn a $4000.00 scholarship for the upcoming fall if they earn a 3.0 at the end of ESSP.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG)

The FSEOG program is for undergraduate students having exceptional financial need-those with the lowest Expected Family Contribution (EFC) numbers. Federal Pell Grant recipients receive priority for FSEOG awards. These grants may range from $100 to $4,000 and do not have to be repaid. Awards for the FSEOG are made according to funding level.

Tuition Equalization Grants

The Tuition Equalization Grant (TEG) program was enacted by the 62nd Texas Legislature in 1971 to assist students with need to pay the difference in the amount of tuition charged in independent colleges and universities and public institutions in the state of Texas.

To receive the grant, a student must:

  1. Be a Texas resident or a National Merit Scholarship finalist,
  2. Be enrolled at least 3/4 time;
  3. Show financial need;
  4. Not be the recipient of any form of athletic scholarship; and
  5. Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress by completing 24 semester hours and a 2.5 G.P.A. according to TEG guidelines.

This grant varies according to student need, tuition differential (the amount of tuition at an institution in excess of a public institution’s tuition for the same number of hours), or a student with extraordinary need (otherwise, eligible students with EFC’s less than or equal to $1,000) can receive up to 150% of the basic award depending on funding levels.


Student loans, unlike grants and work-study, are borrowed money that must be repaid with interest, just like car loans and mortgages. Loans are legal obligations, so before taking out a student loan, students should think about the amount to be repaid over the years.

William D. Ford Direct Loan Program

Loans made through this program are referred to as Direct Loans. Eligible students and parents borrow directly from the U. S. Department of Education at participating schools. Direct Loans include Direct Subsidized Loans, Direct Unsubsidized Loans, Direct, and Direct PLUS Loans. These loans are repaid directly to the U. S. Department of Education.

A Direct Subsidized loan is awarded on the basis of financial need. If a student qualifies for a subsidized loan, the Federal government pays the interest on the loan until the student begins repayment.

A Direct Unsubsidized loan is not awarded on the basis of need. Students receiving unsubsidized loans will be charged interest from the time the loan is disbursed until it is paid in full. One can choose to pay the interest or allow it to accumulate. If one allows the interest to accumulate, it will be capitalized-added to the principle amount of the loan and will increase the loans amount to be paid.

A dependent undergraduate student can borrow up to:

  • $3,500 a year for the first year of enrollment in a program of study for at least a full academic year.
  • $4,500 a year after completion of the first-year of study and the remainder of the program of study is for at least a full academic year.
  • $5,500 a year after completion of two years of study and the remainder of the program of study is for at least a full academic year.

An independent undergraduate or dependent undergraduate student, whose parents are unable to qualify for a PLUS Loan can borrow up to:

  • $7,500 a year if enrolled in a program of study that is at least for a full academic year. No more than $3,500 of this amount may be subsidized.
  • $10,500 a year if one has completed a first-year of study and the remainder of the program is for at least a full academic year. No more than $5,500 of this amount may be subsidized loans.
  • $12,500 a year if one has completed two years of study and the remainder of the program is for at least a full academic year. No more than $5,500 of this amount may be in subsidized loans.
  • After one graduates, leaves school, or drops below halftime enrollment status, the student will have six months before repayment of the loan begins. This is referred to as a “grace period.”
  • The school will disburse loans in at least two installments.
  • No installment will be greater than half the amount of the loan.
  • If the student is a first-year undergraduate and a first-time borrower, the first disbursement cannot be made until 30 days after the first day of enrollment.
  • If the student is a first-time borrower, the student must complete entrance counseling before receiving the first loan disbursement.

Student loan money must first be used to pay for tuition, fees and room and board. If loan funds remain, the student will receive them by check unless the student gives the school written permission to hold the funds until later in the enrollment period.

Prior to July 1, 2010, Stafford, PLUS, and Consolidation Loans were also made by private lenders under the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program. As a result of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, no further loans will be made under the FFEL Program as of July 1, 2010. All new Stafford, PLUS, and Consolidation Loans come directly from the Department under the Direct Loan Program.

Aggregate Loan Limits - Effective July 1, 2008

Undergraduate Dependent Students: $31,000. No more than $23,000 in subsidized (includes FFELP and Stafford Loans).

Undergraduate Independent Students: Currently $57,500. No more than $23,000 in subsidized (includes FFELP and Stafford Loans).

Federal Parent Loans (PLUS)

The Federal Parent Loan Program (PLUS) allows parents who do not have an adverse credit history to borrow to pay the education expenses of each child who is a dependent undergraduate student enrolled at least half-time.

The yearly limit on the PLUS loan is equal to the cost of attendance, minus any other financial aid for which one is eligible. The interest rate is variable, but will never exceed 9 percent. If a parent is borrowing on behalf of a dependent undergraduate student, the student must also meet the general eligibility requirements. For example, the PLUS applicant and the student must:

  • Be a U. S. citizen or eligible noncitizen
  • Not be in default on a federal student loan
  • Not owe a refund on a federal education grant

NEW CHANGES FOR PLUS LOAN: Grace Period and Deferment for Parent PLUS Borrowers

Beginning July 1, 2009, parents are allowed to choose to defer payments on a PLUS Loan until six (6) month after the date the students ceases to be enrolled at least half-time. Accruing interest could either be paid by the parent borrower monthly or quarterly, or be capitalized quarterly.

Work-Study Program

The work-study program provides jobs for students, allowing them to earn money to help pay educational expenses. The program encourages community service work and work related to a student’s course of study. Funds are provided from Federal and state programs. Under this program, a student can work part-time to earn money for the student’s education and the student is paid by the hour receiving paychecks on a monthly basis. This program provides:

  • Part-time employment while a student is enrolled in school;
  • Payment of student’s education expenses;
  • Community service work and work related to a student’s course of study, whenever possible.

Work-study is available to undergraduate and graduate students. It is administered by schools participating in the FWS and TWS programs. The work-study program provides jobs for students with demonstrated financial need. The student will be paid at least the current federal minimum wage.

Work-study awards depend on:

  • Application date
  • Remaining financial need after all other sources
  • Funding level for federal, state, and institutional work-study.

When all work-study funds have been awarded, no additional work-study awards will be made. The amount one earns cannot exceed the student’s total award. The work-study supervisor and the financial aid administrator will consider the student’s skills, class schedule and academic progress in making work-study assignments. Students will not be expected to work during class times.