Feb 13, 2025  
Jarvis Christian University 
Jarvis Christian University

The Olin Learning Resource Center

The Olin Learning Resource Center is an integral part of the instructional program and provides materials and services to aid in the fulfillment of the objectives of the University. It provides prompt, efficient, and helpful service to students, faculty, staff, and the community in the location and use of materials of a cultural, recreational, and educational nature.

The Center strives to arouse intellectual curiosity, to stimulate interest in art and aesthetics, and to improve the cultural and recreational reading habits by displaying new and unusual books on bulletin boards and in display cases.

The Media Center includes a complete inventory of equipment and software to assist faculty, staff, and support student learning.

The Curriculum Library

The Curriculum Library is designed to support the Teacher Education Program by providing future teachers the opportunity to examine and study materials similar to those in the public schools in which they will be student teaching. This collection of materials is located on the main floor of the Olin Resource Center.

Computer Laboratories

Computer laboratories are located in the Olin Learning Resource and Communication Center, Meyer Science and Mathematics Center, James A. Aborne Center and Jenkins Learning and Living Center. These laboratories are designed to assist in the study of computer information systems, mathematics, English usage, writing, reading, and other computer-assisted instruction. In addition, distance-learning rooms are located in Olin, Meyer Auditorium, Meyer S-41, and Meyer M-4. These rooms are used for both on-campus classes and distance-learning classes.