Feb 13, 2025  
Jarvis Christian University 
Jarvis Christian University

Residential Life and Housing

Living on campus is a valuable experience for students. On-campus living creates a stable living and learning environment. The Office of Residence Life works diligently to provide each student with a comfortable, safe environment structured to enhance the academic atmosphere of the University.

Housing Procedures

To apply for housing, applicants must submit the housing application and a $200 non-refundable deposit. This is a one-time fee that must be paid on your initial request for on campus housing. The application and deposit must be submitted before a room assignment is made and contact is issued. The housing contract must be signed and returned to the Office of Residence Life. Costs for repair to damaged facilities, furnishings or special cleaning will be charged to the student at fault. Residence Life reserves the right to modify room assignments as necessary. All students living on campus will be charged board fees. Only those students who have a physician’s excuse that is approved by the Business Office and Residence Life will be exempt.

Student Parent Apartments

Eight one-bedroom and four efficiency student-family apartments are available for married students or students who have children. Assignment is based on date of receipt of application with appropriate deposit and availability of apartments. Rules governing the application process and living in the student-family apartments may be found in the Student-Family Handbook.

Off-Campus Housing

All students are expected to live on campus, with the following exceptions: those who are at least 21 years of age; those married; those living within a 60-mile radius; those with dependent children; those living with parents; and those students living off campus at the discretion of the University. The Housing Office must give approval for off-campus housing. Students may be asked to furnish birth certificates or other documents when requesting approval for off-campus housing.

Students may be asked to furnish birth certificates or other documents for the Office of Student Services. Applications are approved individually and approval to live off campus is not guaranteed until the following has been completed as part of the application process:

  • Approval to live off campus is granted when a student presents a lease agreement with all pertinent contact information to the Office of Student Services, or
  • If a student is living with parents or guardians, there must be a notarized statement from parents/guardians with signatures of the parents/guardians and the student.

Because of liability concerns, the University is not involved in inspecting non-University-owned facilities located off campus and cannot determine whether the facility is safe, sanitary and in compliance with local ordinances. The University does not provide residential services for those living off-campus.

Students residing off-campus are still subject to the University’s judicial procedures and the sanctions of local authorities. Students living off campus, who are cited by the local authorities’ for disorderly conduct, excessive noise, drinking underage, public intoxication, etc., may be required to return to campus housing regardless of financial hardship or lease commitments. All occupants of the house or apartment may be subject to the same requirement. Therefore, students living off campus must be prepared to take personal responsibility for the consequences of any gathering they host. Students applying to live off-campus have until the 12th class day to complete all pertinent information required. If a student has not completed the application process after the 12th class day, that student will be considered a boarding student and will be assessed housing and boarding fees for the semester.

If an off-campus student is found living in the on-campus residence facilities, that student will be charged housing and boarding fees and disciplinary action will be taken, not limit to suspension from the University.

Identification Cards

All JCU students are required to carry a JCU I.D. card at all times and be willing to produce it promptly upon request of any University official acting with proper authority.

JCU I.D. cards are not transferable, and lost cards must be reported to the Office of Student Services within 24 hours of the student’s first awareness of loss. Students failing to comply with this directive will be held accountable for any abuse of the I.D. card and must bear the cost of replacement. The identification card entitles a student to admission to most athletic events, campus social activities, cultural and educational events, and the dining hall, and participation in student elections.

Student Handbook

Student regulations are published periodically in the Student Handbook and the University Catalog. Between normal publication dates of the Student Handbook and the University Catalog, the University reserves the right to make changes in policies and regulations.


Jarvis Christian University participates in intercollegiate athletics and holds membership in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and the Red River Athletic Conference. The University competes in men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s cross country, men’s and women’s soccer, women’s volleyball, bowling, softball, baseball, and men’s and women’s track and field.

Religious Life

The Jarvis Christian Univeristy Church wants to be your church while you are in college. The pastor of the University Church wants to be your pastor. The pastor is available to each individual as an advisor, professional counselor, and friend.

The Smith-Howard Chapel is located within the James Nelson Ervin Religion and Culture Center. It serves the spiritual needs of the community, as well as the faculty, staff and student population. The University Church is a participating congregation in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Its goal is to serve the needs of the campus. The membership is comprised of faculty, staff, students, and the local community. Students are encouraged to participate by sharing opinions, experiences and talent to help develop a more holistic approach to the campus ministry.

Central to the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is the weekly celebration of the Lord’s Supper. This act of worship is delivered and passed onto the Church according to the Apostle Paul in I Corinthians. In the University Church, all baptized believers in Jesus Christ are invited to share in the Lord’s Supper.

A second sacrament observed by the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is the ordinance of baptism by immersion. This saving act symbolizes the covenant with God to live in the newness of life in the presence of Christ. Membership in the Church is of three (3) types: (1) Primary Membership: a person makes a confession in Jesus Christ as Lord and receives baptism; (2) Transfer of fellowship (membership) from another church: this is usually for persons who have belonged to another congregation; (3) Associate Membership: a person publicly identifies himself/herself as a member of the Church by stating a desire to participate fully in the life of the University Church. This type of membership does not affect membership in your home church. The pastor will be happy to discuss membership with you. Regular worship is held every Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. in the Smith-Howard Chapel. Students are invited to serve as ushers/deacons and to help provide the music by singing in the Concert Choir. Students who are non-choir members, with musical ability, are invited to volunteer to sing solos, duets, etc., or play their musical instruments during the worship service.

The University Church provides an opportunity to attend Sunday school on Sunday mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. The Sunday school class meets in the parlor of the Smith-Howard Chapel. Wednesday Night Worship services begin at 7:00 p.m., which is student-led worship service.

Student Ministerial Association

The Student Ministerial Association is a group of students who volunteer to help the University Pastor in planning Vespers, seminars, Religious Emphasis programs and a variety of other experiences that are designed to make the Christian faith meaningful. One can become a member by speaking with the University Pastor or SMA members.

All-University Convocation and Chapel are held each Tuesday at 11:00 a.m. The programs provide a forum for the presentation of current issues relevant to educational, social, and religious development. Distinguished persons from the work of business, industry, education, and religion are invited to be speakers for the programs.

Our weekly chapels are an essential and inherent part of the total program at Jarvis Christian University. Thus, attendance is mandatory for all members of the University family. All events designated as Annual University Traditional Events require mandatory attendance of all students.

All students are required to attend the weekly chapels or convocations to fulfill their graduation requirements. They are to be there 10 minutes prior to the start of the program and remain until the program ends.

University services meet each week and are a source of spiritual exhortation and enrichment that are vital to Christian growth. Sunday School, Sunday morning and Wednesday evening services provide spiritual instruction and encouragement. Faculty, staff, and their families, as well as members of the community, join the Univeristy students in services at the campus Church.

Dining Services

The Dining Hall is located in the Ida V. Jarvis Student Center. For more information, contact the Office of Finance and Administration.


Jarvis Christian University has 24-hour security, 365 days per year. The security staff is personable, commissioned, and highly competent. Their presence ensures a safe living and learning environment.

Student Complaint Procedure

The Student Complaint Procedure is a process for students to express and resolve misunderstandings, concerns, or disputes that they have with any faculty, staff or administrator in a prompt, fair and equitable manner. It is intended that the complaint procedures provide a problem-solving atmosphere which stresses resolution and reflects the best interests of the complainant and the University. This procedure is not used in cases of Sex and Gender Based Misconduct, Discrimination or Harassment. In those cases, please contact the Director of Human Resources. When a student has a complaint about mistreatment by another student, the procedure under the Student Code of Conduct should be followed.

All complaint records are maintained and stored in the respective Offices of the Vice Presidents and Chief of Staff. All files and records related to sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, discrimination, personnel and personnel related issues are maintained and stored in the Office of the Director of Human Resources.

Informal Complaint: An informal complaint is defined as an academic or non-academic dispute or complaint that a student has with faculty, staff or administrator that is verbally communicated.

Formal Complaint: A formal complaint is defined as an academic or non-academic dispute or complaint that a student has with faculty, staff or administrator that is in writing. All formal complaints shall be in writing.

Complainant: A complainant is a student who files a grievance or complaint.

Respondent: A respondent is a University official subject of the complaint, if applicable.

Appellant: An individual who is filing an appeal.

Appeal: The resolution of an academic or non-academic complaint may be appealed. Appeals must be based on the issue of substantive or procedural errors which are prejudicial to impartial consideration of the case.

Confidentiality: Faculty, staff and administrators involved in the discussion of complaints or grievances will maintain professional standards of confidentiality. Students should be aware that every effort will be made to maintain confidentiality; however, University officials may be obligated to disclose information to law enforcement or other agencies as required by law. Copies of the reports are kept in the offices where they originated.

Filing a Student Complaint

It is assumed that most student concerns or complaints can be resolved informally through communication between the students and appropriate University official. Recognizing that complaints should be raised and settled promptly, a complaint should be raised within ten (10) business days (a business day is defined as any day the University is in operation as specified in the University calendar) following the event giving rise to the complaint.

Prior to initiating an informal or formal complaint under this policy a student may choose to contact a University official to assist him or her in making a decision about how to address the situation of concern and whether to pursue an informal or formal complaint under this policy. University officials will maintain confidentiality to the extent reasonably possible.

The student must first discuss and attempt to resolve the dispute with whomever the issue arose, if at all possible. This requirement does not apply in cases of Sex and Gender Based Misconduct, Discrimination or Harassment. In those cases, the student should contact the Director of Human Resources. Academic grievances should follow the chain of command as listed below.

  • Faculty/Instructor
  • Department Chair (if applicable)
  • Dean
  • Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs

In the event that such an informal discussion is not possible or the issue is not resolved, then the student should submit a written, formal complaint within ten (10) business days of the informal complaint. The written, formal complaint shall be submitted to the appropriate University official as follows:

Complaint/Issue - Universtiy Official

Sexual Harassment/Misconduct Discrimination - Director of Human Resources
Academic Matters - Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs
Financial, Facilities, Food Services Matters - Vice President for Finance and Administration
Athletics Matters - Chief of Staff
Student Services, Residence Halls Matters - Vice President for Student Services

The written complaint must contain the following information:

  • The name of complainant(s), student identification number (if applicable) and contact information, including email address
  • The name(s) of the respondent(s)
  • A detailed description of the nature of the complaint and the actual harm suffered by the student (if applicable) including date(s) of occurrence
  • A detailed description of attempts at informal resolution
  • A detailed description of the solution sought
  • Signature of the complainant(s)
  • Date of complaint submission

Review and Decision

The University official will review the written complaint and attempt to resolve the matter. He/she may choose to meet with the student and/or other parties as identified and respond in writing to all parties concerning the decision of the complaint within ten (10) business days.


Should the student desire to appeal the decision of the University official, the student may submit a signed statement of appeal within five (5) business days to the appropriate Vice President with the written response to previous resolution attempts by a University official. The Vice President will review the appeal, may choose to meet with the student and/or other parties as identified and respond in writing to all parties concerning the disposition of the appeal within ten (10) business days.

Final Review

Should the student desire to request a final review of the appropriate Vice President’s decision, the student may submit a signed statement of appeal within five (5) business days to the President. The President will review the appeal, may choose to meet with the student, and/or other parties as identified and respond in writing to all parties concerning the final review within ten (10) business days. Academic grievances may not be submitted for review by the President. The Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs has the final decision for all academic grievances or complaints.