Feb 13, 2025  
Jarvis Christian University 
Jarvis Christian University


Graduation Under a Particular Catalog

A student is entitled to graduate under the provisions of the catalog in effect at the time of initial entry. However, the following exceptions apply:

  • If changes occur in the program of study being pursued, the student’s advisor and the Office of Academic Affairs will assist the student in selecting appropriate course substitutions.
  • If a student remains out of school for ten years after initial entry and if the program of study has changed, the student will be governed by the catalog in effect at the time of reentry.
  • The Teacher Education Program is governed by the State Board for Educator Certification of the State of Texas, which governs all teacher certification programs.

Requirements for Graduation 

Although students traditionally complete requirements for graduation in eight semesters, many students find it is necessary to extend their undergraduate program to nine or ten semesters depending on preparation for college, degree program followed, and change of major or other reasons.

At Jarvis Christian University, candidates for the Bachelor’s degree must meet the following requirements:

  • Complete the minimum semester credit hours based on the major program.
  • Complete the curriculum requirements of the major field.
  • Earn a cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.00.
  • Earn a grade of “C” or better in each major or concentration/specialization.
  • Earn a minimum grade of “C” in English Composition 1301 and 1302
  • Earn a minimum grade of “C” in College Algebra
  • Completion of the last 30 semester hours in residence. Exceptions must be approved by the Office of Academic Affairs.
  • Approval of the faculty.
  • Two semesters of chapel attendance (AE students are exempt from this requirement)

Students planning to enter a graduate or professional school are encouraged to take the GRE, LSAT, MCAT, OR GMAT, as appropriate.


The annual commencement ceremony at Jarvis Christian Universityis held each May. The transcript and diploma states the date the degree was conferred. Candidates completing degree requirements at the close of the spring semester are expected to participate in commencement exercises. Candidates who complete the degree requirements at the close of the fall semester have the date of the last day of the semester on their diploma and transcript. Candidates who complete the degree requirements at the end of a summer session have August 31st on their diploma and transcript. Students may participate in the commencement ceremony the following May, if their degree is conferred at the end of a fall semester or summer session. A nominal fee is charged for graduation in absentia. Participation in commencement exercises does not guarantee the conferring of a degree.

Graduation With Honors

Students who have maintained cumulative grade point averages as listed below are eligible for honors at graduation.

Cum Laude: 3.25 - 3.49
Magna Cum Laude: 3.50 - 3.79
Summa Cum Laude: 3.80 - 4.00

Participation in Graduation

All graduation requirements are to be met at the time of graduation. Students will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony if they are deficient in the number of hours needed to complete their degree.